We once had neighbours with ten chickens. I am the family farmer and whilst preparing garden boxes or digging up lawn to be replaced with flowers (LANDBACK!) I would come across an abundance of chafer beetle grubs—an invasive species that pushes out native ones. So I would collect them in a cup and at the end of a long day of farming, I would take them over to the chickens. And it was always so delightful to watch them all watching me, gathering around knowing the Grub Person had come by with a special treat for them. And of course, our neighbours gladly shared eggs with us. :)

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Who would have expected the title "Grub Person" could be so delightful! It's these little friendships that should be more important in our day-to-day moments.

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You might not *think* a chicken can look disappointed, but one the occasions when I stopped by without grubs, that is the look they had.

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