Beautiful. Even as I daydream of escaping to a peaceful villa on a secluded tropical island, I'm starting to think about this year's annuals and next year's spring bulbs. Planning is good. Planning keeps us grounded. Planning reminds us that we belong here, too.

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This felt like such a nice thing to read in the middle of the depressing climate of news I've been seeing everyday for the past few weeks. Thank you for writing this and sharing about your gardening

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I was thinking of trying to grow potatoes last yr but couldn't manage it. Maybe I can try it this year. Am moving states, tho' but since I'm moving north I probably can't get them in the ground before late March anyway so it might work out! I also really want to try growing fingerlings. It sounds amazing

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Pro tip here, potatoes don't actually need to be planted in March for success. Planting time really depends on where you live and what the temps are. The little early sprouts that emerge from the soil are actually frost sensitive, so it's best not to plant potatoes too early. I typically target mid-April.

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Thanks for the tip!

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Sounds very wise, actually. Today's happy place might become tomorrow's barter resource.

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Good point, Victoria.

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i needed this walk through your winter garden today, my friend. thank you for reminding me of the dreams that are underneath the soil, and the importance of play. and yes - fingerling potatoes are the caviar of the tuber world.

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Thanks for joining me, Kate! I'm always happy to take friends on a walk through my garden.

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What a wonderful post, Robin.

I love the sweetness between you and your wife and, as you put it so perfectly, “the super real stuff of fulfilling one another’s needs for vital resources like seeds and rhubarb crowns and a couple leftover, overgrown zucchini starts the neighbor put out at the end of their driveway one spring that she brought home in her pockets from a dog walk.” ♥️♥️♥️

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I've been puzzling over why it is I feel I have so much unfulfilled human potential...thanks for providing the missing fingerlink! It made me ridiculously happy to read that the Danes have literally told DJT to fuck off, thanks even more for that gem. Thanks for all of this, it was a delightful reminder of how important and beautiful grounding is...and what is more grounding than digging in the earth?

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Thank you, Keith. We all deserve a little peace and dirt these days.

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I would like nothing more than a tiptoe through your garden, Robin. 💜🥔🧅

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Considering the way Conservatives love to deregulate everyone *but* human bodies, it;s not at all silly to plant a garden. Speaking of subreddits, there are many lists going around of FDA food recalls that aren't being announced right now. Growing your own food, even if you only have a balcony to do it on, is fun AND practical.

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And tasty!!

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I’m also planning on setting up a garden again this year after a full year without one. I spent today talking with Corey Sweet about having a food forest and I’m all fired up.

I’ve also started thinking about how my bookshop/community space can incorporate an outdoor growing space for folks to come put their hands in dirt and watch insects do their thing this time around… this newsletter was so well timed, and I’m so grateful for your words and reminders.

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Wake, I love this idea! I've seen some great integrations of growing space in community-focused areas, especially ones that provide access to disabled folx. I can't wait to hear about what you build!

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Accessibility and making space for disabled folks is essential to me. I’m so excited to make space for people who need the quiet of a forest bench. And the joy of picking wild blueberries. Plus books and an indoor environment. I love that right now I’m still able to dream this part.

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It is good that you have got your garden as a distraction. We can all use something to keep us sane amid this craziness. Mine is reading, something I have always enjoyed. Sending love to you and your family.

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