Jun 27Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Thank you so much for sharing that.

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Jun 27Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

It sounds like you have become the person that you needed to be Robin.

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Charlotte, that's exactly how I feel. ❤️

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Jun 27Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Happy two-year anniversary! I am so celebrating you.

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Thanks, Sarah!

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Jun 27Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

You use words so beautifully! I’m just sitting here feeling all the things. Thank you for sharing this piece!! Thank you!

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Asmita, this was one of the essays I was working on for Rey’s class with you and our other friends, so I hope you know how helpful you were as part of that network of writers helping writers. It would not be what it is without you, too!

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Jun 27Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

My heart! I am so glad to hear that we were able to lift each other up in that class, but the writing and the emotions and those beautiful words is ALL YOU, my friend. ALL YOU!💛

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Jun 27Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I love the way you wrote "Entire swaths of my skin had not felt air movement like that in over thirty years" - an amazing mental image. This is a beautiful piece.

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Thank you, Diana!

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Jun 27·edited Jun 28Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

You are just one of my new favorite humans. Robin, you are stellar writer. You are generous and honest and a lover of life. Hats off to you, my dear, for going after what belongs to you. For claiming your seat in the world. My, oh, my. I'm told I'm the world's best hugger, so I'm sending you the best big hug I've got.

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Oh Nan, the feeling is very mutual! Sometimes the world brings friends together in unexpected places, and I am so happy we found each other! Hug received!!

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Uh... well you're welcome to unsubscribe.

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Please help me to understand what, exactly, has to be so broken in a person's soul that they would go out of their way when they could easily just say nothing, to respond to such an honest, vulnerable, excruciatingly beautiful story with an attempt to shame and belittle. Why are you here? What do you expect to get by making such an unnecessary callous remark?

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I want to unsubscribe? If you would like me to say more unnecessary and hurtful things, then you invite the conflict and lower the vibe even more.

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Beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. I remember a lot of these same kind of feelings when I had my surgery, like I could make one wrong move and my insides would just spill out. And after almost two months, when the bruising and swelling was all gone, finally settling into the body I needed. Plus HRT working its magic. I still feel like I’m just at the beginning, but the euphoria when it comes is worth all of it. 💕🏳️‍⚧️

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Qid, we all deserve to feel that kind of euphoria. Big hugs for you. I’m so glad you’re here!

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So happy for you!

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Jun 28Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Oh Robin❣️ you’re so brave to share this intensely personal time in your life.

Thank you. So many places in this essay that helped me to learn more. 💞 I Love the unicorn steed.

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So glad I could share this with you, Teyani.

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Jun 28Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

I know this sounds stupid but I truly never thought of breasts that way. That was eye opening to read. Loved it! My breasts have always just been there. I don't really mind either way in all honesty. They did just recently find a lump on my left breast. It's not cancer but still that's one less thing that you have to worry about. Isn't it amazing how little kids can just be so insightful? Personally, I think that might be because the younger a person is, the closer to the unknown they are likely to be. I don't know if I worded that correctly. I'm glad that your surgery went alright. I truly am. I know that type of surgery is a HUGE HUGE thing for the body. Great post. Thanks for sharing it with us.

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Angela, it amazes me how we all experience our bodies in unique (but also very similar) ways. Thank you for so much kindness.

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Jun 28Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

This is an incredible piece, Robin. I am in awe. I felt so many feelings reading this. I love how you describe your journey from beginning to end with the uncertainty and pain and also a huge amount of joy. Being able to feel a hug with nothing in the way...truly amazing!! I'm so happy for you.

I relate strongly and I really appreciate you sharing your story to help me and others feel less alone.

Thanks so much for the shout-out - I'm really glad the writing class had a good impact and I'm grateful for our supportive community!

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Self-determination in our bodies is so hard and yet so rewarding! Thank you for being part of this, Rey. I'm so grateful for your guidance AND your friendship.

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Jun 28Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

Beautiful. This piece reaches so many parts of me for different reasons. Firstly because I have a trans daughter and I’ve seen and see some of that trans joy in her as she has socially transitioned into the incredible person she is becoming.

Secondly, I had a mastectomy and lumpectomy nearly 4 years ago now for lobular breast cancer: I had to have my initial implant removed 2 weeks later so am now flat on that side, so for completely different reasons have experienced the feeling of needing to relearn my body. I also know that as major as this operation is you recover. My joy comes from being alive and here to see another day. If it gives you the body you desire it is a wonderful thing.

It brings me joy to hear of your journey. Thank you

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Jacqui, I'm so happy you recovered and had the opportunity to relearn your body! Joy is such a winding journey for all of us.

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Jun 28Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

As it goes, men hug each other all the time, it's nothing out of the ordinary.

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Jun 28Liked by Robin Taylor (he/him)

❤️ thank you for sharing

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First - a big, warm, heartfelt, all-embracing, >5-breath-count HUG!

My friend, you made me flinch at the point where you wrote 'to beat the shit out of that shovel against the rock', I held onto tears welling up around 'clawing out....and well-aimed stake..', and held my breath and held my heart as you educated me on how it feels to be split open and held together with thread and velcro. I was emotionally invested in each word, so 'oof exhaled' when your son hugged you.

Thank you for being you and sharing this piece about reclaiming yourself with us. It is a gift.

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Victoria, you give the best hugs!! Thank you, my dear friend.

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