Well, I was born of a closeted very queer dad and a mom in denial. I inherited a touch of his glitter, thank the goddess, and his queerness, and even though it was troubling because my folks cloaked themselves in a lie borne out of necessity, it definitely enhanced my life and informed my taste and sensibilities, and I am so "great"-ful! When my dad came out, it got a little easier for all of us. My little brother once said that even if he were queer, he would opt out because, and I quote "50% of the family is more than enough, thank you very much." I love that. He made me laugh.

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This was simply beautiful, Robin. Sharing with my born-to-cis-het-parents sibkid.

Although, I am firmly of the belief that we are all much closer to gay/queer than many want to admit. Denial and Puritanism are powerful forces. What a shame to miss out on all the colors that life has to offer!

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I'm smiling and fearful and want to go hug my cishet lottery-win of a mom, and my queer af wife, and our cis-queer daughter, and my trans-queer nephews and you @swcole and all you beautiful mutherfunkers creating this wonderful community!! I'm so grateful!!

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This was joyful to read! I feel like it is especially crucial to think of us as magical and divine right about now! 🏳️‍⚧️😍

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I like to think my mom and my aunt (her sister) were queer and neurodivergent! They both raised me with love while my cis straight asshole dad was too busy being drunk and abusive. I think our parents generation was way too closeted to even dream or hope for a different life. I don’t think we’re more queer now than before. I think we were just fucking hiding to survive. Of course there are not many traces of us because we had to be erased but I know we’ve always been there in numbers 🔥✊🏻💜🩷🩵🤍

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Wow, that was both beautiful and magical. Not much to add aside from the note that, as a child of a trans father, it wasn't that I was born into a straight family, rather I was born into a world of hate, judgement, repression, and fear.

The world you described is so much more beautiful, so much more vibrant and nurturing.

I need to believe that your description has always been the underlying truth.

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Well, that is certainly a different way of looking at things Robin. Maybe you are on to something there.

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Thank you for making me laugh and cry ❤️

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We are what's possible beyond simple survival. We are thriving - that's why we're so scary. 🤣🪩🥳 Thank you Robin, this is great. 💜

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Scary gorgeous!! 😍

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What a wonderful thought 🥰

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Your parents sound eerily similar to mine. Were we disco ball twins separated at birth? I've often thought I was my parents' worst nightmare, but I like this framing much better. And I think you're right, that we are their most potent (and most deeply suppressed) desires.

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