Welcome to TransFriend, a weekly publication and community centered around normalizing trans and queer stories. What’s this place all about? Read up on how Substack Is Queer, learn How I Started my Substack with Zero Subscribers, or find a place to feel Rooted.
TransFriend is currently creating an anthology of writing by family members, friends, parents of trans kids, and by trans kids themselves who have stories to tell. For more information, visit For Trans Families, With Love where you can watch this project grow.
In the stillness of fog and dew a frost that clings to thin branches of dogwood we wonder whether bees dream as they slumber sweet visions of nectar and multicolored pollen In the quiet of this dip down to low light down to root-chilling cold down to the torpor of warm, furry bodies There is a disquiet. It is envy. We envy your certainty your instinct the patterns you follow that reassure you the world will still be here when you wake The veins newly formed on tender leaf buds yet unfurled somehow knowing that sunlight and rain won’t fail them Of all the winter animals we are the unluckiest because our dreams end because we remember loss because we carry fear where you only know need and hard work Let us carry seeds in our pockets to sow as we walk the paths we created year by year a shared memory of resilience and desire waiting for water and warmth
Your trans friend,
What a lovely piece of writing 🧡
sending love at a disquieting time